One Pi3CE

One Pi3CE

Monday, May 4, 2009

MSSD Vollyball Competition!!!

20April2009~MssD Volleyball Championship

I participated in this tournament three weeks ago but no time to write about it.

Too bad, I was just a subtitude,but i had the chance to play.WOW the atmosphere was really cool!!!!you can here"加油!加油!"and it was so noisy in there.Everybody cheered for their own schools.In the end Kwang Hua was the best, they won in all categories.Our school din do bad oso,
everybody got second except fot junior boys.Haiz...........
I really admire the way some malay schools play vollyball because instead of using our hands to hit the ball ,they use theirs legs to kick the ball~lol.But when they kick we were shock and dint move so we lost so many points coz of this, but we still win.
Other than just playing vollyball, we also make a lot of friends ,even the peaple selling drinks and fried chicken outside the hall.After playing some friends and I go out side the hall and buy fried chicken and some drinksand then we chit chat we the hawkers~XD

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