One Pi3CE

One Pi3CE

Friday, August 21, 2009


Meet the team!!!Edward,me,Gabriel,ben and Daniel.
Edward and i mentally retarded....lolx
Get it???the Moon!!!I am the full moon and ben is the new moon....

Long time no blog,no time coz had exam last few weeks,
We,Daniel,benjamin,gabriel,edward and I presented a mime in church last Sunday.
First we gather at 10.30 in the morning to prepare,we got to put our face paint on
and some preparation.We were so nervous we felt we want to pee,but all the practise we have done wont be put to waste.

i was the first one to go on stage followed by daniel,gabriel.......Without my glasses on.i cant to see anything and did not feel nervous anymore.After a short while ppl started clapping, and it was all over.In my mind i was thinking:"DAMN!!!Its already over,no more miming,no more going to ben house to practise,no more overnight."But it was over.